Color Note is a diary and notepad just for everyone! Record interesting thoughts, inspires ideas, inspirational quotes, recent experience, write notes about life, share your thoughts and mood with your friends. Or just write memos. PHOTOS You can add some images to your note. There is a high possibility that ColorNote has been moved to SD card due to internal memory shortage. Since Android doesn't support the widget and reminder functions for the app on SD card, move ColorNote back to the device and reboot it. Settings - Applications - Manage Applications - ColorNote - Move to Device Master password.
Quickly jot down on the go
ColorNote is simple and easy to use. In any situation, you can quickly create notes and lists.
Write all the things you need in one place, from short notes to longer documents.
Effortlessly stay organized
Colors make it intuitive to organize things. Once you see colors, you will instantly know how to use them to manage your life.
Don’t worry if you are not good at organizing things. Anyone can easily get organized with ColorNote.
ColorNote is a simple design notebook application that gives you a convenient and fast notebook editing experience for writing notes, memos, emails, messages, shopping lists and lists of tasks. Create text notes with the most essential information and check off items in a list once you’ve finished them. Unfortunately, ColorNote isn’t available for iPhone, but there is a neat workaround to copy notes from Android to iPhone. All you have to do is copy your notes from ColorNote to Evernote.
Get things done

ColorNote reminds you of the saved notes so that you will never miss anything important.
You can concentrate on what really matters in your life instead of worrying about remembering stuff.
Let your important stuff follow you wherever you go
Color Note Backup
Your notes are backed up to cloud storage or device storage. Once you keep your stuff in ColorNote, they will always follow you, even if you switch to another device.

You never have to worry about losing your stuff.
ColorNote is an application that lets you write everything you need in one place, from short notes to longer documents. With ColorNote, you will stay organized and never miss anything from your personal program.
Color Notebook Paper
ColorNote for better organization
ColorNote is a simple design notebook application that gives you a convenient and fast notebook editing experience for writing notes, memos, emails, messages, shopping lists and lists of tasks. Create text notes with the most essential information and check off items in a list once you’ve finished them. The app also allows you to sort notes by color by naming a color group and checking how many notes you have in a color group. Among the other advantages of the application, there are:
- The presence of a note control for the task list and the shopping list. (Simple and fast list creator);
- Support for online backup and synchronization;
- The window support system side by side;
- Research Notes.
Color Notebook
Taking notes with the ColorNote Notepad is easier than any other notepad or notebook application. ColorNote is available on Android for smartphones and tablets. Available in the Windows app store, you can use it on Windows 8 and above. In 2020 ColorNote reached 100 million downloads in the Google Play store.