- ProtoPie is the easiest tool used to turn your UI/UX design ideas into highly interactive prototypes for mobile, desktop, web, all the way to IoT. On macOS & Windows.
- ProtoPie is the easiest tool used to turn your UI/UX design ideas into highly interactive prototypes for mobile, desktop, web, all the way to IoT. On macOS & Windows.
- Thanks to ProtoPie for sponsoring this ProtoBites series. Download the final demo file from the ProtoPie cloud and try it out. 👈Go Back to Part 2.
Dҽsignҽd to smoothҽn thҽ barriҽr bҽtwҽҽn thҽ programming and visual dҽsign componҽnts nҽҽdҽd to crҽatҽ and tҽst mobilҽ apps, ProtoPie is a modҽrn and wҽll-ҽquippҽd, cross-platform piҽcҽ of softwarҽ tool that aims to maқҽ thҽ procҽss of ҽlaborating mobilҽ prototypҽs fҽҽl 'ҽasy as piҽ.' Sincҽ it allows you to crҽatҽ sophisticatҽd prototypҽs without having. ProtoPie uses the word Channels to describe the destination of the message. A channel can be external or internal. With components we are mostly interested in the internal channels. Outside of components at the scene level, you have access to the following internal channels.
Bin Wu
Create a data layer which can embed image url, API, audio url, video url...etc.
Eric Ferrer-Vaughn
Jerry Witt
Not just data but it would be exceptional if it could retrieve an image. For example update a prototype with a PHOTO
Jean Claude Pratt Delzenne
This would be so great ! It would make working with developers way easier and testing with real data when doing usability tests !
Christian Hayungs
Why was my idea merged with this idea? I suggested display of certain data from the prototype itself, not input from external sources. @ProtoPie
@Christian Hayungs: Christian, there was some misunderstanding on the request. Sorry for that. I unmerged.
Light-weight Database or atleast integration with Google Sheet
Zohdi Rizvi
- Light-weight Database or atleast integration with Google Sheet: I was curious to know is it possible to allow designers to create small database within each pie which when shared with other users, it saves the data in cloud and data is available whenever a particular pie link is shared. For instance if we build a clone of gmail and user register with an email but he need not to register every-time the pie link is loaded, instead his details will be saved permanently, which is viewable to Pie creators (in Google Sheet or built in Database inside Protopie)
Ziya Fenn
Would be amazing to be able to create components dynamically based on JSON file!
Eirik Somerville
This would be amazing. It's one thing that I spend most time on with ProtoPie inputting data. Would save so much time. Figma has a few great plugins:
Data Lab - https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/740286071386014712/Data-Lab
Content Reel - https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/731627216655469013
The lack of this one feature has me wanting to switch to Framer because they have this type of tool :/
Rene Paccha
Tackling Justinmind to leverage their ‘data master’ feature. Yet I would easily jump on a subscription here if airtable or api-like integration was offered.
With all these advance feature requests, next thing we know, Protopie can start publishing a native app enough to work as an MVP. :)
Protopie Player Windows
Protopie Condition
Zohdi Rizvi
Ability to connect a prototype to dynamically fetch and update dynamic data stored in either Airtable or Google Drive.
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